Qi and Flavor
A simple visual reference for Chinese Medicine Formulas

Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang 當 歸 補 血 湯

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Source: Clarifying Doubts about Injury from Internal and External Causes (1247)

Indication: Heat from Blood Deficiency and floating Yang

Symptoms: Hot sensations in the muscles, a red face, irritability, thirst with a desire to drink warm beverages. Also for fever and headache due to loss of blood.

Tongue: pale Pulse: flooding, large, deficient, forceless

This pattern is explained by Tang Zong-Hai in Discussion of Blood Patterns:

When the blood is deficient, this manifests with fever and sweating. For when the blood does not match the qi, the qi becomes exuberant and discharges to the outside.
The focus of this formula is on the branch manifestation (floating yang) of the root (blood deficiency). Following the ancient maxim: In acute conditions treat the branch. A 5:1 dose of sweet and warm Huang Qi strongly tonifies the Spleen, and reaches directly to the exterior skin and muscle, where it secures the exterior. A smaller dose of sweet, acrid, and warm Dang Gui tonifies and invigorates the Blood. The two herbs work synergistically and on the TCM principle of Qi and Blood interdependence. Huang Qi tonifies the Blood by tonifying the Qi, while Dang Gui tonifies the Blood by invigorating the Blood, which generates new Blood.